Community Bonfire and Caroling

A time to reflect on the True meaning of Christmas.  Sit around a "bonfire", drink hot cocoa, and sing Christmas carols.

Christmas Break

Kindergarten through High School  will be off for the Christmas and New Year Holidays. The building will be open everyday until 4 pm except for December 25 and January 1st. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!!

End of 2nd Marking Period

End of 2nd Marking period for Kindergarten through 12th grades This is a half-day with a 12 pm dismissal and no aftercare.

Martin Luther King Day

School is closed to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. In his honor we encourage all families to find a way to pay it forward by volunteering with their child.

Candy Gram Sales

Candy Gram Sales Send a teacher, classmate, family or friend a special gift of candy for Valentine's Day! The sale is from 2/4 to 2/12 Candy grams will be delivered on 2/14.

100th Day of School

100th Day of School What would you look like at 100 years old?  Students may dress up and become 100 years old for a day.

Spelling Bee

Harvest will host a Spelling Bee for all grades. Times (TBD)